Parenting Resources :: Liturgy of the Ordinary

Hey Wellspring Families -- can we find God in the mundane of Groundhog Day?  

Pre-Covid, I remember the days of loading/unloading the dishwasher multiple times per day, while answering a child’s question 20 times, and considering a grocery store run by myself “self care.” Daily routines can be transformed into liturgies if we tweak our perspective. God is in the little moments that somehow are the big moments!  Caring for your family in all the little ways creates trust, confidence and unconditional love that lays a foundation for understanding who God is. 

In Tish Harrison Warren’s book, Liturgy of the Ordinary, she says, “Whoever we are, whatever we believe, wherever we live...we spend our days doing things - we live in routines formed by habits and practices….. We move in patterns that we have set over time, day by day.  These habits and practices shape our loves, our desires and ultimately who we are and what we worship” (pg 30). We have everyday habits that constitute daily liturgies!  She tells of how she examined her daily routine of waking to her cell phone and dipping into a little technology “fix” of news and email.  In this instance she realized that this habit was shaping what she loved.   Warren realized by making her bed and then taking a moment to sit on her bed for a minute to contemplate that this is the day that the Lord has made and to be grateful - she engaged a quiet moment of faith.  Faith is formed by slowing, repenting and believing through daily habits.  I’m not saying cell phone “fixes” are bad.  I’m encouraging all of us to see God in the daily tasks, worship Him, and find a daily liturgy in the routine that forms a deep relationship with God our Father.  Encourage your families to join you in worshiping the sacred in the everyday routine!

I highly encourage you to check out Liturgy of the Ordinary!

Blessings in the ordinary - you are loved where you are!  

Sarah Siegler

Children and Family Pastor

Wellspring Church

Sarah Siegler

Sarah Siegler is the Parent Discipleship Pastor at Wellspring Church in Englewood, Colorado.


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