Vision :: To see disciples of Jesus characterized by Worship, Formation and Mission that renew the city and lead to a movement of new churches.
Mission :: To proclaim the glory of God’s Kingdom amidst a broken world.
Our Story
Our Identity
We believe that God’s Word brings life and is our final and ultimate authority. The Bible is God’s Word and contains all things necessary for salvation. Both the Old Testament and New Testament were written to proclaim God’s great story and to call, equip, and empower God’s people for missional living.
We believe God is present and active in our lives through His Holy Spirit. We believe the Holy Spirit fills us with His presence, empowers us to grow, and gives gifts as He sends us in mission. We look forward to His work of the conviction of sin, illumination of truth, and the renewal of all things.
Sacrament is an outward sign of an inward grace. We become more fully aware of the beauty of God’s grace and truth by what is seen and touched. When we share communion at the Lord’s table, it acknowledges the reality that we are both united to Christ and to God’s people. The different movements in our worship service are grounded in the historic rhythms of the church and reflect the various aspects of the Gospel.

What We Believe
We desire to live out the faith that has been received and carried on by the historic Christian Church throughout the centuries in ways that engage people today. This includes a commitment to the Bible as the Word of God—that it is the truth by which we order our lives. We also hold to the central place of Jesus Christ as the unique Son of God—that salvation is found in His sacrificial death and resurrection alone.
Our beliefs are summed up in the...
A little more info…
Wellspring is connected to more than 80 million Anglican Christians around the globe, most of them located in Africa, Asia, and South America. We embrace a broad vision of the world without losing a deep commitment to people right here in our city.
We are united under the apostolic teachings and timeless truths found in Holy Scripture and we want to hear and obey God’s Word in all that we do.
We are empowered through dynamic celebrations of God’s glory and grace. We gather together every Sunday to join the angels in worshipping God through vibrant music, Christ-centered preaching, and reverent participation in the Lord’s Table.
We are involved in Christ’s mission to bring renewal to all people and all places. We seek not only to proclaim, but to live out the gospel of Jesus Christ by providing diverse ministries of hope and healing for our community.
We are devoted to transforming lives in the power of the Holy Spirit. We long to see every dimension of our lives and our world reflect the wonder and joy of Christ’s rule and reign.