Church Planting Update

As a church plant from Rwanda, and having planted 4 churches, Wellspring has always placed a high priority on church planting. We have witnessed first hand that the vigorous starting-up of new congregations is one of the best methodologies for seeing new people come to Jesus and renew existing congregations. Our vision for 2021 is to raise up one church planting apprentice, one church planting resident, and to plant our next congregation by the end of 2021/beginning of 2022. 

The church planting apprentice is responding to God’s call to plant a church and has chosen to take a period of time to mature his competencies and character under the leadership and guidance of the Wellspring Network. The purpose of the apprenticeship is to further clarify their call and discern the location where they intend to plant. If you were at Wellspring 2 weeks ago, we were overjoyed to introduce Daniel and his wife Ally Coffey as our next church planting apprentices. While they will spend most of their time at Trinity Anglican, you can expect to see them once every four weeks. They are an incredible couple who are filled with faith and a deep love for God’s people.  

The church planting residency is the time between receiving a clear call to plant a church and the public launch. The residency serves to help planters successfully navigate this season by providing support, wisdom, prayer, strategic planning, and funding. The National American Mission Board estimates that church plant survivability goes up 250% when the Planter has had intentional Leadership development and training. I am thrilled to announce that Jesse and Sarah Blaine will be our next residents. The Blaines have served the last 8 years in Cambodia as Missionaries working to plant and shepherd two church communities. While they will be in Denver in November, the Blaines will officially begin their residency on January 1, 2021. They will be spending most of their time as residents at Wellspring.  

Our prayer is that by the end of 2021, we will have planted our 5th church and at the end of 2022, we will have planted our 6th church. Please continue to pray for Daniel, Ally, Jesse, and Sarah, as they begin the grand journey of church planting. If you have any questions or thoughts about church planting, please do not hesitate to email me.

All for Jesus, 


Billy Waters

Billy is the Lead Pastor of Wellspring Church in Englewood, Colorado.


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COVID-19 Update