A Response To Racism and Injustice


Dear Church,

The past few months have been deeply disturbing and difficult, for so many reasons. The challenge of COVID-19, and the wrongful deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd, among others, and the recurring trauma upon the African American community have left me, and I'm sure many of us, deeply grieved.

Some have reached out and asked about Wellspring's response to these important issues. Two of the primary questions have been, “What is the church doing to respond?” and “How can I be part of positive change in my community?"  While we don't have all the answers,  here are a few initial responses.

Sermon from 6/7/20

Our sermon from 6/7 was on Acts 3:1-10, and specifically on the subject of healing. Please go back and watch this sermon if you find yourself wondering where we stand as an organization on this important issue.


A Letter Concerning the Death of George Floyd and So Many Others

Four Bishops from our denomination came together to write this beautiful and inspirational letter, and our Bishop as well as the Archbishop has endorsed it. I would encourage everyone to read this important document.

Our Multiethnic Taskforce

For a couple of years, we have been engaging the issue of race and diversity at Wellspring through our multiethnic task force. They have done invaluable work for Wellspring, and they continue to meet and address these complicated and difficult issues. I am looking to them to play a key role in guiding our efforts in this important area.

Discussion Groups

Some at Wellspring have organically organized discussion groups around the reading of certain books that address issues of race and justice.  We encourage these groups to continue to form and meet as we learn and know how to best respond with the gospel.

Communion In The Park

Please join us on Wednesday and/or Sunday for Communion In The Park as we share at the Lord's Table and cry out to God for spiritual renewal. You can register here.

As we walk together in issues of the gospel, I pray for our hearts to be changed, reconciliation realized, and the healing of the deep pain and suffering of our brothers and sisters in the African American community.


Billy Waters

Billy is the Lead Pastor of Wellspring Church in Englewood, Colorado.


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