An update on outdoor worship, masking and social distancing.

Dear Wellspring, 

It has filled my heart with joy to see many of you at our outdoor worship services these past three weeks.  I look forward to many more Sundays outdoors during the summer and fall.  

As we have moved towards some level of rhythm and consistency with our Sunday morning services, we have received a number of thoughtful questions regarding the information and values that are shaping some of the decisions we are making.  We recognize that within Wellspring there are a variety of opinions that are coming from a place of careful and intentional consideration.  Even if we differ in the expression of a value, we have experienced this community to be extremely gracious and patient; for that, I am grateful.  

Ever since COVID began in late February, our team has been keeping up on the government recommendations for our state and county with respect to corporate worship gatherings.  In addition to the literature and weekly phone calls with the Governor, we have also been in consistent communication with other churches and pastors, especially those of similar size, to share strategies and latest thinking.  Most significantly, we have prayed to the Lord for guidance, a spirit of humility, and faith, in order to help direct our steps.  We know that you also have been praying for the Wellspring family -- thank you!   

Some of the most recent questions can be summed up in these three inquiries:  Why are we choosing to meet outside versus inside?  Why are we asking everyone to wear masks and social distance while at church? Why do the speakers and singers not wear masks?  Below is my attempt to address these great questions. 

From the beginning, we have looked to a few guiding principles that have helped assist us in making decisions over the past four months.  We will do whatever is necessary to protect the most vulnerable in our community, we will do everything necessary to regather for public worship as soon as possible, and we will respect the governing authorities as it applies to secondary non-gospel issues.  Up until now we believe that our governing agencies have not asked us to do anything unreasonable in the past four months.   

We have decided to meet outdoors because we have been told that it is safer for a number of different reasons.  The guiding logic is that being outside has more adequate air circulation and drastically reduces the exposure to a contagion.  Also, the current government guidelines for indoor worship specify 26 square feet per person which would equate to 4 to 5 indoor services per Sunday.  Setting up church outside is a lot of work but it is worth it if it creates a safer environment.  We have reverted back to a church planting mindset and our Sunday morning set up has actually been fun!

Why are we wearing masks and social distancing during the worship service?  The degree at which social distancing and masking reduces the spread of COVID-19 is still unknown.  I also recognize the differing opinions on this matter.  From what we can tell, it seems these two steps are helpful, in the same way we seek protection from a physical cold.  If someone comes to me with a cold who is coughing and sniffling, there is hesitation before shaking hands or giving and receiving a hug.  

Why do the speakers and singers not wear masks on Sunday while speaking and singing?  We are following the guidelines from Arapahoe County which says that they don’t have to.  The state guideline is specific that when singing or speaking publicly, masks are not required as long as no one is within 25 feet in the direction that the speaking and singing is happening.  The 25 foot guideline is specific to indoor services, and we have applied it to our outdoor gathering out of respect.  

As we continue to navigate these difficult decisions, please know that we do so with each of your faces in mind.  We are committed to staying informed on the latest developments in regards to policies, code enforcement, and your suggestions.  We will continue to press forward toward ‘normalcy’ as fast and as safe as we can.  I truly believe that someday soon we will be standing shoulder to shoulder without masks, holding hands for the Lord’s Prayer, and throwing our sins to the cross.  Thank you for your prayers and grace during this time.  The Holy Spirit is leading us into exciting days ahead.  

With grace and love, 


p.s. For those wanting to deep dive into our counties response to COVID-19, and specifically the Arapahoe County variance that was accepted by the state, you can do so right here.

Billy Waters

Billy is the Lead Pastor of Wellspring Church in Englewood, Colorado.


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