Important Refugee Work

Hi Wellspring,

As many of you know, over the past year we have been piloting a new ministry within the Compassion Ministry focused on supporting local refugees.  We have a fantastic team of volunteers established, and are grateful for their faithful service.  Together, we’ve been able to serve two Afghan families as they transitioned into American life.

We want to make you aware of a new opportunity to dive deeper into ministry to refugees in our city.  Recently, our friends at Mosaic Church in Englewood began hosting a group of young people from Nicaragua who are seeking asylum in the United States.  We hope to enter into partnership with Mosaic to meet the needs of these individuals as they settle into life in America, gain employment, engage in education, establish living situations, and begin the process of gaining permanent resident status.   

So, we want to invite you to join us at church on Tuesday, August 4th, from 6:30 - 8pm to hear a presentation by Jeremy Sault, Mosaic’s senior pastor, about the specific needs of the group.  At that time, we will also present how Wellspring can move into partnership with Mosaic in this type of ministry.  

You can register right here.  Light, covid-appropriate refreshments will be provided.


Mike Sandgren

Tara Malouf

Mike Sandgren

Mike Sandgren is the Mission Pastor at Wellspring Church in Englewood, Colorado.


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