Serving through Technology

Hey there, Wellspring!

If we haven’t had the pleasure of meeting yet, my name is Brandon, and I am the Assistant Production Director here at the church. My role encompasses the oversight and stewardship of all things that are technologically pertinent to our worship gatherings on Sunday mornings. This includes audio, video, lighting, the slides you see on the screen, and coordinating with our wonderful volunteer team who helps to make it happen.

Because we are, first and foremost, a liturgical body of believers who gather to praise King Jesus through worship, word, and sacrament, we desire for everything we do as an A/V team to foster an environment of pure worship for our congregation. We also hope that our work is a personal offering of worship to Jesus through our unique skills. We have seen these values come to beautiful fruition during our Sunday morning worship services, as well as through our livestream, which has served countless individuals and families from our community while they are sick, on vacation, or caring for their children at home.

In order to continue this good work, we need more people on our team! There are currently volunteer openings in the following areas:

  • Presentation Software (operating the lyrics and liturgy that are on the screens and the livestream on Sundays)

  • Video (operating cameras, operating the video switcher, etc)

If you have any interest in joining the A/V team, please email me! I would love to buy you a cup of coffee and chat about where you might fit on our team. We are not necessarily looking for previous skill or training, but rather someone with a heart for worship, production, and attention to detail who desires to serve in this capacity. We will train you as we go!

Thanks for reading!! Come say “hey” on a Sunday morning- you can typically find me in the sound booth :)

With Love,

Brandon Corsi

Jeff Gayle

Jeff is the Operations Director at Wellspring Church in Englewood, Colorado.


The Well Grand Opening Celebration!


The Deacon’s Fund