CTK :: Weekly Update

We continue to walk along with the Lord, patiently, but with commitment of moving down the path towards launching.  We would like to ask for your prayer in three specific ways.

1.  Jocelyn and Aaron Newby recently had their third child! Thankfully, both Jocelyn and the new baby are healthy, but the birth was actually quite harrowing. Please pray for them as they recover and heal from this major crucible. We will be sending out more updates on how we can serve them as a community.

2.  As we move closer to the launch in January, we are continuing our search for a gathering space in earnest. There are a few potential options, but nothing that seems like the perfect fit just yet. Please pray the Lord would provide us with the right space in the right location!

3.  We are looking for someone who may want a part time role in leading our children's ministry. If you know of anyone that may be a good fit, please do reach out! Here is my new email:  jesse@ctkdenver.church

Jesse Blaine

Jesse Blaine is Lead Pastor of Christ The King Anglican Church in Denver.


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The Book of Mark :: Chapter 10:35-45