Flood Student Ministries Fall Launch Party

As a youth pastor, every fall, I crave regularity and consistency after a summer of disrupted rhythms and new experiences on trips with students. Because of this, our Fall launch is one of my favorite moments of the year. It marks the beginning of something exciting, a year of fun and learning and playing together. We always have an exciting energy as we play games, eat food, and enjoy each others' company. So I was filled with joy as we packed the Well and the youth rooms on Sunday with student laughter, boundless energy, and relationships.

Each year, at our Fall Launch Party, it is a tradition to end our evening in prayer. First, we have our youngest group of students go into the middle of a large circle, pray for them, then send the next age of students in. We then move through our groups until we call our adult volunteers into the center and pray for them. This is my favorite moment of the evening, and a great part of being a youth pastor. To see and hear young students praying for high school students, and to hear the prayers for adult leaders by the young people they will be serving is a beautiful image of God working through this community to encourage and strengthen each other.

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This year, like the past few I have been a part of, I left our evening thrilled to get to be a part of what God is doing in and through young people at Wellspring, and cannot wait to see how the Spirit guides and directs them this year!

Jeff Gayle

Jeff is the Operations Director at Wellspring Church in Englewood, Colorado.


The Weekly Liturgy :: Week of 9/5/21


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