Family Mission Statement

Start a journey to discover your family’s mission statement! What is your family all about? How has God uniquely gifted your family? What are the principles that govern your family? What’s your family’s purpose and mission?

A mission statement is a declaration that explains what you do, how you do it, and why you do it. It can provide a framework for establishing priorities, evaluating decisions, discipline and more. Through your Family Mission Statement, you will intentionally reinforce the culture and priorities God is calling you to. Your family already has a unique way of working together, solving problems and relating to one another. Family culture can be formed intentionally or by default. It takes great work to have a positive family culture. It’s not something that is instantly created, it requires daily investment and years of reinforcement. Having a statement that unifies you will reinforce the culture you are striving to establish and unite you on your mission for the Lord. 

Click this link to check out the 10 step process to developing a family mission statement.

Every family is different with varying strengths and challenges, so please do what works for you. You may skip steps, or work on one step for a long time. Some families take a year to do this exercise; others, like one family we know, piled into the car, put the cell phones away, drove to the mountains, and did the entire process in 3 hours. 

God is calling your family to an important mission for redemptive purposes. He wants you to proclaim what is true of your home and your family and for you to go forth for His Kingdom. Be brave: You can do this!

Should you need assistance along the way, we have a team available to you for training and coaching. Feel free to reach out to Brain Foth, Mike Sandgren, or Sarah Siegler. We would love the opportunity to pray with you, brainstorm, and walk alongside you in this process!

Sarah Siegler

Sarah Siegler is the Parent Discipleship Pastor at Wellspring Church in Englewood, Colorado.




How The Kingdom Grows In Us