Formation Labs

Years ago, I found myself in a region of Turkey called Capadocia. As part of our journey there, we ventured into a potter’s workshop and had the opportunity to watch him work. He took a wet, lumpy piece of clay and formed it into a beautiful work of art. His skillful hands placed the clay on the potter’s wheel and I could see that in his artist’s minds-eye, he could already see the beauty of what would emerge. His foot rhythmically stepped on the pedal that kept the wheel going and his hands gently shaped that lump of clay into a shapely, useful container. 

The process of discipleship is like this isn’t it? In fact, it’s no wonder the image of the potter and the clay is used in scripture, talking about God and us! Discipleship is a formation process - Christ being formed in us - and I love that we do not have to do it alone. This summer we are introducing what we are calling Formation Labs, which are one pathway, here at Wellspring, to grow in our formation in Christ and to do it with one another. They are short-term classes (usually 3-6 weeks) around a topic, book or bible study. 

Formation Labs will contain components of head, heart and hands:

  • Head: Education about a specific topic through a gospel and biblical lens

  • Heart: Reflection and dialogue about how this topic impacts our calling to love God and love others

  • Hand: Opportunities and suggestions about how we can take action steps towards redemptive engagement in our world

As we build out this new-to-us formation process, I wanted to let us all know what Formation Labs are going to be available this summer. Click on the link below each Lab to see a description, as well as to register!

Jesus and Women (already full, but will be offered later this summer as well).

Creating Sabbath in Your Life and Family

Race and the Church (hosted by the Multi-Ethnic Task Force).

Exploring Missions.

Biblical Justice (Registration coming soon. Class will begin in July).

We hope you’ll join one of these Formation Labs with others from our community, so we can learn and grow together, and have Christ formed in us! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Tara Malouf at

Tara Malouf

Tara Malouf is the Community Life Pastor at Wellspring Church in Englewood, Colorado.


The Book of Mark :: Chapter 3:31-35


After Parties :: Summer 2021