The Weekly Liturgy :: Week of 12/17/2023

Gather - We begin our Liturgy in corporate worship by coming together and acknowledging who God is through the Acclamation. God’s character and presence frames our corporate worship and this is also the way we begin our Weekly Liturgy whether we engage it personally or in a group setting.

  • How did you experience God’s character and presence this week (joys, struggles, breakthroughs)?

Word - We desire for God’s Word to always be on our minds, upon our lips, and deep in our hearts. We want to read, reflect, listen, and respond to God’s word as we are formed more deeply as disciples of Jesus.

Read Matthew 6:25-33 and Philippians 4:10-13

Reflect on these passages either individually or with others.

Listen to the Holy Spirit. How is God speaking to you through this passage?

  • Re-read Philippians 4:10-20.  What stands out to you?  Why?

  • As you look at Philippians 4:11-12, do you find yourself more prone during times of need or plenty (keep in mind the need is not just financial but can be other things like relational)?  Would you be willing to share an example?

  • When Paul provides the antidote to worry in verse 13, what aspect of being IN Christ and His strength has helped you?

  • Vvs. 10, 14-18 discuss generosity. Paul's desire for their generosity is not primarily for the meeting of his needs but for their benefit.  What do you think about living a life of generosity?  How has generosity changed you for the good?

  • Paul ends the body of his letter to the church in Philippi with an admonition to glorify God.  What would it mean for you to do all things for God's glory?

  • Reflect on this quote from CS Lewis:  "I  think we delight to praise what we enjoy because the praise not merely expresses but completes the enjoyment; it is its appointed consummation.”

  • In light of Philippians 4:10-20, what is the Holy Spirit saying to you?

Prayer - Spend a few minutes praying into the areas God has spoken to you about. Pray for one another, for the non-believers in your lives, and for the world. (Consider praying through the Lord’s Prayer).

Sending - We are all called and sent out into the world to bring the message of the Gospel. Where are you being sent this week to share Jesus through your actions and words? Is there a specific person or area you need to reach out to or pray for?

Billy Waters

Billy is the Lead Pastor of Wellspring Church in Englewood, Colorado.


Philippians: Partnership in the Gospel :: 12/10/23


The Weekly Liturgy :: Week of 12/10/2023