Men’s Game Night!

Men of Wellspring,

If we haven't had a chance to meet, my name is Trevor Thomas and I am the Community Life Apprentice here at Wellspring Church. Over the past couple of months, I have been brainstorming ways that we can provide opportunities and cultivate new spaces for the men who call Wellspring home to gather, and to build each other up in the areas of belonging, connecting, and caring which are the building blocks of our Community Life Ministry.

There are a couple of different spaces in the works at the moment but the first one that I am excited to share with you is a Men's Connecting Event! I hope that this will be a great opportunity for those who have recently joined our community at Wellspring to meet some of you who have called Wellspring home for awhile now. 

On Friday, February 5th, from 6:30pm to 8:30pm, we will be gathering in a few different rooms at the church for a Game Night! We will have opportunities for games like Spikeball, nine-square, and corn hole, as well as spaces set up for board games. If games aren't your thing, that is okay! We still invite you to come and meet some new people. We will have space set up for just general socializing and chatting.

We are so excited for this great opportunity and hope that you will join us! You can register through this link.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to myself at

I look forward to meeting you and hope to see you here on February 5th!


Trevor Thomas

Trevor Thomas is the Community Life Apprentice at Wellspring Church in Englewood, Colorado.


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