Let’s Talk About Mental Health! (A Panel Discussion)

Hey Wellspring! 

This last year, the family ministry team (Sarah Siegler and I), have had a focus on building out our Spiritual Parenting Toolkit: Creating tangible, useful resources for parents. We’re excited to now have resources like the Milestones Project, and our seasonal discipleship guides. Another key piece of our toolkit is parent trainings. 

In the fall, we held a training for parents about faith formation milestones. On April 3rd, we are excited to bring back a parent training on the topic of mental health. We realize that many young people struggle with their mental health, especially this time of year. We have assembled a team of mental health professionals for a panel discussion on the topic. The focus of the discussion will be around technology and mental health. 

The event is free and open to parents, grandparents, godparents and anyone who cares for children and youth and would like to learn more about navigating mental health challenges. Join us from 6:30-8pm on April 3rd in the sanctuary, and follow this link for more info! 

Jeff Gayle

Jeff is the Operations Director at Wellspring Church in Englewood, Colorado.


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