Men's Formation Seminar

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Men of Wellspring,

If we haven't met yet, my name is Trevor Thomas and I am the Community Life Apprentice here at Wellspring.

Over the last year or so, I and a few others have really been feeling the urge to put together some sort of event where the men at Wellspring can come and get to know new guys and learn about some sort of formation topic together.

I don't know about you, but with all the disruptions of COVID I have really struggled to get back into a routine for spiritual practices. This looks like prayer and journaling for me most of the time. I have also felt a lack of motivation to get back into the normal rhythms of life. What I have found helpful in starting the road back to these routines and spiritual disciplines of formation is revisiting the topic of identity. For me this has been asking the hard questions. Why am I here? How does knowing who I am shape the way I go about each day? What is my motivation behind what I am doing each day? You know, the really cheery questions right? This is a tough process to engage with but I know I am not the only one who struggles with these questions.

Well, I am happy to inform you that we are making such an event happen! On Saturday, May 8th, from 10am - 2pm we will be getting to gather in the sanctuary for a time of fellowship and learning exploration as we dive into and discuss the topic of Identity. We will get to hear from various speakers on topics that tie to identity including but not limited to discipleship, and mission in the workplace. Coffee, donuts, and lunch will be provided throughout the day. The admission cost will be $10.

Please register HERE!

I am stoked to see how God works through this event and hope you will join us for this inspirational time of formation!


Trevor Thomas

Trevor Thomas is the Community Life Apprentice at Wellspring Church in Englewood, Colorado.


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