New Formation Labs

Want to learn and grow this summer with other people in our community? 

We have some Formation Labs in progress or about to start and we’d love to have you join!!

Here are the details:

Formation Labs will contain components of head, heart and hands:

  • Head: Education about a specific topic through a gospel and biblical lens

  • Heart: Reflection and dialogue about how this topic impacts our calling to love God and love others

  • Hand: Opportunities and suggestions about how we can take action steps towards redemptive engagement in our world

Race and the Church 

Join Multi-Ethnic Task Force members Nate Kosirog and Catherine Sandgren in a series of discussions on Race and The Church, guided by a curated list of podcast episodes.  This formation lab will meet six times over the course of the summer to engage these important and difficult topics in a spirit of grace and truth. 

Questions? Contact Nate Kosirog.

Register through this link.

Exploring Missions

Join us as we have a conversation about global missions. We'll hear some stories from others at Wellspring who have been involved in missions and have conversations with one another around the questions:

How does global missions fit into the larger story of scripture?

How do I fit into the story of global missions?

What steps do I take next? 

Can I share the gospel?

Location is TBD. You'll get an email after you register letting you know the location.

Register through this link.

Biblical Justice

Join us as we take a walk through the Biblical Theme of Justice.  God has a lot to say about justice and how it relates to the richness of His mission for history.  

We'll walk through some key passages each week, ask what they teach us about God's justice and pray to ask God to embed these values in our hearts.

At the end, we'll have some discussion about how these values shape our lives as individuals and as the church.  

Formation Lab will be led by Jesse Blaine; location TBD (most likely the church building or Jesse's house).

Register through this link.

We hope you’ll join one of these Formation Labs with others from our community, so we can learn and grow together, and have Christ formed in us! You can click here to explore all of the Formation Labs we will be offering throughout the course of the summer. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Tara Malouf.

Tara Malouf

Tara Malouf is the Community Life Pastor at Wellspring Church in Englewood, Colorado.


Vespers :: July 12th, 2021


Emerging Adults Pancake Breakfast