Winter Gear Drive

Hi Wellspring,

If you joined us for service yesterday, you heard my concluding sermon to our “One Anothers” series, exploring the topic of serving one another. Together, we reflected on the fact that since God is a servant, the movement of self-giving service is worthy of a central location in our own lives.

As a point of application, I announced that we would be launching a Winter Gear Drive in coordination with the Change the Trend Network, to gather supplies to keep people experiencing homelessness safe when local shelter providers reach capacity. Here are some details on how you can serve:

  • The drive will begin on November 29th and run through December 24th.

  • The most helpful items to donate are:

    • Tarps, Sleeping Bags, Survival Blankets, Jackets, Hand Warmers, and Small Backpacks

  • The two ways to donate are:

    • Order items online and have them shipped to Wellspring Church. Our mailing address is 3885 S Broadway Englewood, CO 80113

    • Drop off items in donation bins, which will be present outside the north entrance on Sunday mornings, and Monday through Thursday from 9am to 2pm.

    Feel free to reach out to me at with any questions. I’m excited to partner with you all to give of ourselves to keep our vulnerable neighbors safe this Winter.

    Mike Sandgren
    Mission Pastor

Mike Sandgren

Mike Sandgren is the Mission Pastor at Wellspring Church in Englewood, Colorado.


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