Staff Profile :: Brian Foth

Hey Wellspring Family!

Get ready for the second edition of “Staff Profiles!”

Up next is the one and only Brian Foth! Brian is Wellspring’s Youth and Family Pastor.  He faithfully ministers to students and their families through his hilarious, life-loving personality. Brian has a very inclusive demeanor, and possesses a unique skill of making you feel welcomed as a part of the crew. He is highly intelligent and loves adventure; if you need an extra burst of adrenaline in your life, get out on a Jeep trail with him. You will teeter on the edge of thrill and terror. He also makes a mean breakfast burrito. Here is Brian Foth, everyone!


Question 1: Tell us about your family.

I grew up in the Northwest with my parents and two brothers. My mom and dad are still there, a retired engineer and semi-retired homegrown missionary. Both of my brothers are highly academic (they each have a master's degree and one is working on his PhD), and both of them married Canadian citizens and currently reside in the Great White North. I've been married for almost 10 years to my lovely and brilliant wife, Shelli. Our son, Ransom, is a busy toddler who's about to be a big brother to our second kiddo coming this fall.

Question 2: What is your favorite fiction and non-fiction book? What do you like about them?

Picking a favorite is very difficult, but for fiction I'd have to say Perelandra by C.S. Lewis would top the list. It engages my imagination in a way that is fun but also profound.

The non-fiction book Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller was timely for my faith journey as I was learning to let go of a “black and white,” rigid understanding of God, and become comfortable with the mysteries of God that I am unable to fully grasp.

Question 3: What is something weird about you?

I am completely normal.

Question 4: What is your deathbed meal?

It would definitely have to be a combination platter of the "Big 3" for me: pizza, tacos, and chicken wings. Though, if I were to ever indulge in all three in a single meal, I'd expect that decision would be a major contributing factor to getting to my deathbed in the first place.

Question 5: If you could have lunch with anyone living or dead, who would it be and why? What would you be eating?

Dustin Kensrue is the lead singer of my favorite band, and has had an impact on the way I have thought about my faith over the years. Plus, I think he'd be a ton of fun to share a meal with. We'd definitely eat one of the three items I mentioned in the last question, probably tacos.

Question 6: When church is over on Sunday afternoon, where would we find you and what would you be doing?

I'd be at home snoozing on the couch or riding a bike while my family naps.

Question 7: What is your #1 bucket list travel location?

I'd love to see the Norwegian fjords before I kick the bucket. The combo of mountains and water is a part of all of my favorite places I have ever visited; plus, I have extended family in that country who would be fascinating to meet.

Question 8: What have you been learning lately through your relationship with God?

God has been revealing to me how he cares for me in the midst of even trying times, often in a way I'm unable to see. Having my toddler throw a tantrum about a toy not fitting together makes me step back and think about times I've been upset with God over a situation, and he has gently led me through it because he has a MUCH bigger perspective than I am able to have. It offers me a lot of comfort knowing he has that bigger perspective.

Jeff Gayle

Jeff is the Operations Director at Wellspring Church in Englewood, Colorado.


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