Staff Profile :: Stephanie Dana

Hey there Wellspring,

I have some very exciting news for you all: Staff Profiles are BACK!!! If you kept up with our Good News articles from summer of last year, you will remember seeing some weekly, interview-style news-pieces with the incredible members of our Wellspring Staff (If you did not get the opportunity to read some of the old profiles, fear not: you can locate them under the “Fun Stuff” tab on the Good News page).

We took a bit of a hiatus, but now that we have settled into a new space in a new season, our team is flourishing and we are ready to share some more highlights with you. This staff is a vibrant group of disciples who love Jesus, love each other, and love the work we engage on a day-to-day basis. As we explore a mixture of both light-hearted and in-depth questions in these interviews, we hope they will shine a spotlight on the beautiful individuals of this family.

Kicking us off this summer is the newest addition to our Wellspring team: Stephanie Dana! Steph has been attending Wellspring for 12 years, and joined the staff as the Office Administrator back in April. In the time I have known Steph, I have experienced firsthand her spiritual intuition, her humor, her deep care for those around her, and her remarkable work ethic. Steph can be (and will be) a friend to all; and, if you so desire, she will walk with you to those deep places of your soul. Here is a little peek into the life of Steph!

Question 1: Tell us about your family.

Steph Headshot.jpg

I married Chris Dana two years ago and gained two bonus kids, Maddie (17) and Jackson (15). Chris is passionate about prayer and men's discipleship. My parents, Joe and Cathy Wise, attend Wellspring too.

Question 2: What is your favorite fiction and non-fiction book? What do you like about them?

“Jane Eyre" is deeply and beautifully redemptive, even in the midst of great sadness and loss. "Gladys Aylward: The Little Woman" - The story of a young British missionary to China in a series of impossible situations, determined to serve God at great cost. 

Question 3: What is an interesting fact about you that we wouldn’t already know?

My high school job included learning how to make specialized medications working in my dad's compounding pharmacy.

Question 4: What is one of your favorite spots in Denver and why?

The Botanic Gardens because I love flowers. Also any TJ Maxx. :)

Question 5: Who is a person (friend, family member, author, musician, etc.) that has made a significant impact on your life? How have they contributed to who you are today?

Probably the greatest gift in my life is the number of people who have made a significant impact on me, but the ones who started it all were my parents. They provided a context in which I could know the love and grace of Jesus and gave me the example of life-long commitment to Christ and serving His Church.

Question 6: When church is over on Sunday, where would we find you and what would you be doing?

At home eating popcorn and hibernating like an introvert. 

Question 7: Share a story from a neat place you have traveled to.

Soon after college I led a group of students on a mission trip to Chuuk, Micronesia in the northern Pacific. After we landed on the world's shortest runway we took a couple of motor boats to a remote island where there was a small Bible College. One day we went with our host to the chief of a nearby village and asked permission to hike to the top of the hill. With excited and barefoot kids from the village we traipsed through the muddy jungle to the top where we encountered a breathtaking view of the Pacific Ocean for as far as you could see. It was a magnificent view of God's expansive glory juxtaposed by his intimate attention to the people living on those islands.

Question 8: What have you been learning lately through your relationship with Jesus?

I am learning how desperate I am for Jesus and that even though there is always another layer of need, he's not turned off or annoyed by that.

Jeff Gayle

Jeff is the Operations Director at Wellspring Church in Englewood, Colorado.


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