Multi-Ethnic Task Force :: Listening Sessions

Hi Wellspring,

I want to make you aware of an upcoming opportunity to participate in a listening session offered by Wellspring's Multi-Ethnic Task Force.

The Multi-Ethnic Task Force (METF) was born out of the desire to address issues of racial reconciliation and cultural hospitality within our congregation. The group is working to provide resources for education, spaces for discussion, and opportunities for action around these topics. The METF has already been a significant resource to our staff, and we are excited to continue learning from them in the hope of demonstrating greater solidarity with racial and ethnic minorities and representation of the fullness of Christ's body.

In order to learn how to better conduct this work in our congregation at-large, the METF is planning to host listening sessions where the group members can hear from you about your unique experiences with issues of race relations and cultural hospitality. All are invited to participate - whether you have been invested in these issues for years, just a few months, or no time at all. We would love to have you participate and help equip the METF to lead us well. Here are some details about the first session:

When - April 20th, 7-8:30pm

Where - Wellspring Church

Format - You will be able to hear about the work of the METF, as well as share your perspectives as you walk through discussion related to race and hospitality.

How to register - You can sign up here. Registration is limited, so sign-up soon!

We hope you can join us to engage this important conversation!


Mike Sandgren

Mike Sandgren

Mike Sandgren is the Mission Pastor at Wellspring Church in Englewood, Colorado.


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Weekly Liturgy :: Sermon Based :: Week of 3/14