Weekly Liturgy :: Children and Family :: Week of 3/14


Before you read the scripture ask family members who was at the last supper? (Jesus and His disciples)

What happened at that special dinner (Jesus served them by washing their feet and He introduced them to communion and shared about the sacrifice He was about to make)

Scripture :: The Last Supper:: Luke 22:19-20

Family Discipleship Questions

  1. When we receive communion what does the bread symbolize? (Jesus’ body)

  2. When we receive communion what does the wine/juice symbolize? (Jesus’ blood)

  3. Who in our family receives communion? Why?

  4. Through the bread and wine one receives the strengthening and refreshing of the soul by the body and blood of Christ.  Communion is a unification of us to Christ and one another.  We are aware of His sacrifice and we are united as believers in the One body of Christ.  We believe Christ has died (we are thankful for His sacrifice), Christ is Risen (we need to remember the power of the Resurrection is within us), Christ will come again (our hope is in Him and our cares, sorrows and trouble will be gone).  

  5. Do we take or receive communion? This may sound like the same thing but we try to have a posture of humbly receiving this gift as our body is nourished and our soul is strengthened. Have a discussion about how we place our hands to receive communion and that it is given to us as a remembrance of the ultimate gift we receive in Jesus!


Ask each family member to write out a confession:

Lord I bring you _____________ (my heart, my sins) 

I am sorry that I __________ (can be selfish, do not share, lie, disobey) God you are ______________ (so good, caring, forgiving, amazing, perfect, loving, full of grace) 

Create in me ________________ (a new heart, new/better habits) 

With your grace and mercy I am forgiven, Amen.

Corporate Confession


Who do you know that believes in Jesus? Please pray to strengthen the faithful. Name them out loud and pray for them to be strengthened in their faith through the power of the resurrected Christ.

The Lord's Prayer


Reassure your children they are GOOD and made in God’s image!  Pray a blessing over them and praise God for something great you see in her/him (caring, funny, joyful, energetic) and send them out to love and serve the Lord!

Maddie Thomas

Maddie Thomas is the Connecting Coordinator at Wellspring Church in Englewood, Co.


Weekly Liturgy :: Sermon Based :: Week of 3/14


Blessed Are The Pure In Heart