Weekly Liturgy :: Children and Family :: Week of 5/30


For a fun craft make a big fish and Jonah, with a paper cup, string and a balloon.  Click here for the instructions!  Have fun!  

Scripture :: Please Read Aloud :: Jonah 1-4

Read the WHOLE book of Jonah together!  It’s a great story of obedience.  

From MeaningfulMama.com 

“The story of Jonah in the whale (or big fish – the bible never clarifies which kind of fish it was) is a wonderful story of obedience. Part of obedience is trusting God’s plan more than our own. God is a God of grace. He wanted Jonah to reach out to a wayward people to teach them about God’s will and ways. Jonah had his own prejudices and pride. He had no desire to see these people receive God’s mercy. Deciding to disobey God led him down quite a difficult path, which eventually did lead him back to the direction God wanted for him and the people of Nineveh in the first place. I certainly am thankful for a God of second chances!”

Family Discipleship Questions

  1. Does Jonah trust God? What happened when he disobeyed God?

  2. How many days was Jonah in the big fish? How many days was Jesus in the grave?  

  3. Does disobedience separate us from God?

  4. Did he (Jonah) eventually obey God?

  5. Is God - a God - of second chances?

  6. How did God respond when the Ninevites repented? How does this give us comfort when we rebel against God and our parents?

  7. Name a time when someone gave you a second chance. Name a time when you gave someone else a second chance.

  8. What are some ways we can obey God this week? 

  9. What is a blessing of obedience?


Father, you know all the ways we disobey you.  We confess the ways we don’t trust you and make our own plan________.  We are sorry when we are impatient and rush ahead of you or when we go in a totally different direction.  (list examples from your week) 

Corporate Confession


Thank you Lord that you are a forgiving God - full of mercy and grace.  Thank you Lord for the ways you bless us __________.  Thank you that you create order and have ideas for ways we should live.  Take a moment of listening prayer to ask God how he wants you to obey Him.  Share the ways He is speaking to your family.       

The Lord's Prayer


Go forth into the world celebrating the blessings of God’s grace and mercy.

Maddie Thomas

Maddie Thomas is the Connecting Coordinator at Wellspring Church in Englewood, Co.


Discovery Class


Weekly Liturgy :: Sermon Based :: Week of 5/30