Weekly Liturgy :: Children and Family :: Week of 6/6


Watch The Chosen, Episode 6, together as a family free on the app from Angel Entertainment


Play a game of carrying family members in a blanket.  Get a blanket and put it on the floor.  Ask a child to volunteer to lay on it and then ask family members to lift the corners carefully and carry the child to the opposite side of the room.  Take turns and let everyone have a turn.  Have fun!  

Scripture :: Please Read Aloud :: Mark 2

Recall from the video or from the reading from the book of Mark the miracle of Jesus healing the paralyzed man.

Family Discipleship Questions

  1. How did they get the paralyzed man to Jesus? (4 people carried him).  

  2. What did they do to get the paralyzed man to Jesus? (cut the roof).  

  3. What would cause you today to cut your neighbor’s roof?  (possibly an emergency - how is that relevant to the story)

  4. What did Jesus notice? (their faith)

  5. How did Jesus heal the man? (through forgiveness)


Father, forgive us for the ways we don’t believe and trust you that you can do ALL things. Forgive us for the things we don’t pray about because we think there is no solution or way for something to be healed or reconciled ______________.

Corporate Confession


Take a few moments to listen to the Lord and see how He is inviting you to trust him in deeper ways, believing He can do more than we can imagine. Lord, may we trust you so much that our faith in you is evident to all.

The Lord's Prayer


May we go forth looking for ways to see God in our midst, believing He can do all things!

Maddie Thomas

Maddie Thomas is the Connecting Coordinator at Wellspring Church in Englewood, Co.


Weekly Liturgy :: Sermon Based :: Week of 6/6


The Book of Mark :: Chapter 2:23-28