Weekly Liturgy :: Children and Family :: Week of 6/27


Look up facts and discuss slavery in ancient Rome.  

  • 1 out of 2 people were slaves

  • Slaves worked for their masters

  • Entire families could be sold into slavery over a debt

  • The only way to be free was for someone to pay your debt - but that was impossible for the average person.  

  • A person could be sold into slavery for many reasons: war, debt..

  • Roman times - buying and selling slaves was a part of everyday life.  They understood what it meant to be redeemed in a deep way.

Scripture :: Please Read Aloud :: Romans 6

Family Discipleship Questions

  1. What are some modern day examples of redemption (prizes, lottery tickets, etc)

  2. Discuss how Jesus gave His life for our redemption. He paid for our sin with His life, the ultimate sacrifice because He loves us so much!

  3. When we are redeemed in Christ we are saved from sin. Discuss some ways we are slaves to sin and the freedom in Christ through His grace!

  4. How do you feel about this kind of redemption?


Father, forgive us for the ways we take your sacrifice for granted _________________. We confess the ways we think of your love in “transactional” ways as if we are redeeming a token for a prize __________. Your sacrifice gives us eternal salvation; may we act and speak of the joy of your endless grace and mercy!

Corporate Confession


Open our eyes, Jesus, to your sacrifice and deepen our understanding of what redemption really means. May we act as if we are redeemed all the time, not just when someone is looking or when we are in church, youth group or Sunday School. Show us this week who to share this Good News with.

The Lord's Prayer


May we go forth in the joy of your salvation!  

Maddie Thomas

Maddie Thomas is the Connecting Coordinator at Wellspring Church in Englewood, Co.


The Book of Mark :: Rest


Weekly Liturgy :: Sermon Based :: Week of 6/27