You’re Invited!


Hi Wellspring!

If we haven’t met yet, my name is David Norris and I am the Worship Pastor here. And I wanted to take a moment to invite you to join us for our worship service and our afterparty this weekend. We have a couple of really cool opportunities this weekend.

First, while it was a special time to worship in the Well last Sunday because of the weather we are excited to bring our worship service back outside. So join us at 5pm on Sunday, and don’t worry about registering ahead of time...families this includes you.  We will have plenty of room for everyone.

Second, immediately after our service ends at 6:15 our Community Life team will be bringing out doughnuts and decaf coffee for everyone.  You’re invited to hang out for as long as you would like with friends and family.

Also at 6:15, we will all be invited to go into the Sanctuary -- we have a few different ways to engage with the space that God has given us. This will be one of the only opportunities we will have to be in the Sanctuary this summer as the initial demo has taken place and construction will be underway very shortly. It is important that we take some time to pray over this space. 

Micah Morris, one of our interns, has taken it upon himself to do a deep dive into the stained glass in the sanctuary, and what he has found has been quite profound. As the stained glass progresses throughout the room, it actually tells the story of the gospel through the lens of Creation, Fall, Redemption and God’s work of restoration through the Church. Micah has written beautiful descriptions of each glass window which we will have available to you as you walk through the room. I’m excited for the ways that this will enhance our corporate worship as a church as we gather back inside the Sanctuary this Fall.

Once you make it to the south end of the sanctuary, you will be standing on what will eventually be our future stage.  In this space, we are inviting everyone from Wellspring to grab a permanent marker and write something on the concrete floor...maybe it’s a prayer, a scripture reference, or a word from the Lord, maybe it’s an outline of a handprint, even an illustrated picture for those who express better through art than words.  In the coming months, we will build our platform right over these words and images, recognizing that Christ is our foundation and our cornerstone--we want Him to be the foundation upon which all of our life and ministry together takes place.

Wellspring, we realize that the last season has been difficult on us all. Let’s take this Sunday Evening as an opportunity to claim this new home as OUR home for our church family, and to dedicate it’s future to the Lord’s work in Englewood.  See you Sunday Wellspring.

David Norris

David Norris is the Worship Pastor at Wellspring Church in Englewood, Colorado.


The Book of Mark :: Chapter 2:23-28


Discovery Class