Introducing Emerging Adults!

Hello Wellspring Family!

I wanted to give you an update on the Emerging Adults Ministry that Wes Trevor, our previous Emerging Generations Pastor, started many months ago. As some of you know, the work towards building an Emerging Adults Ministry started last fall with a series of listening prayer nights and even before that, with planning and prayer on behalf of our Youth and Family team. This ministry seeks to continue the goal of Wellspring to see 100% pursuit of those aged 0-25 (with a special focus on post high school folks, of course). The last 6 months have slowed down the launch of the Emerging Adults ministry, but the process has continued to be covered in prayer. 

I am so excited to tell you all that we now have an Emerging Adults Leadership Team and are creating unique spaces for emerging adults, including several life groups, connecting events, and a Vespers evening service run by emerging adults! I am so thankful to be part of a church that has such a high value of young leaders and is already deeply intergenerational. 

Our team consists of both staff and volunteers, all between the ages of 20-25, and I am deeply honored to be leading this team as we dream big about the continued goal of 100% pursuit of emerging adults. 

If you are an emerging adult and interested in getting connected or finding ways to serve, please email me! I would love to connect with you and talk about how we are shaping the Emerging Adults Ministry together! Is there something that really drives your passion? Do you have a heart for worship, formation, discipleship, hospitality,  justice and restoration? The leadership team and I would love to talk about ways your giftings and passions can serve this community and the Church as a whole! My email address is

We need the support of the greater Wellspring family more than ever right now! Please be praying for our leadership team and the emerging adults of Wellspring as a whole. If you are interested in serving this demographic, please consider hosting a connecting event for emerging adults, or attending an event and getting to know some of us! If this is something you are interested in, send me an email!

Also, keep a lookout for future events and announcements. The Emerging Adults Team has some fun and exciting things on the horizon!

If you are interested in learning more about our process or our team, please reach out! I am deeply excited about what the Lord is doing in my life and in the lives of other 18-29(ish) year olds through this time. 


Maddie Thomas 

Maddie Thomas

Maddie Thomas is the Connecting Coordinator at Wellspring Church in Englewood, Co.


Wellspring Cleaning Day


Staff Profile :: Brie Pollard