Staff Profile :: Brie Pollard

Do you desire a friend who is full of joy, humor, care, and some insane cross-stitching skills? If the answer is yes, Brie Pollard fully encapsulates all of these qualities (and, yes, she did teach me how to cross-stitch). Brie is the Children and Family Assistant Director here at Wellspring, through which she exercises her deep love for raising up children with hearts for Jesus, and equips families for the lifelong journey of being disciples. Her love for others also extends to her friendships, where she actively lives out the virtues of loyalty, trust, and inclusivity. A wonderful listener and giver of sound advice, it is evident that she is in tune with the Spirit of the Lord. So grab your embroidery ring, pick up a Chipotle bowl (her favorite spot for a lunch outing), and enjoy some time with Brie!

Question 1: Tell us about your family.

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Between my own and all of my in-laws, I have a huge family! I am the youngest of four girls, and I have LOVED growing up being so close to my sisters. They are all so uniquely gifted and have the biggest hearts for others. My oldest sister, Allison, is a pediatric occupational therapist and loves children with special needs like I've never seen. She is a sponge that absorbs knowledge from all different facets of life. My next sister, Erin, has the most tender heart and works in early childhood development, which means she is capable of caring for several babies at once; she is a superhero (and right now she's caring for her newborn, my first nephew Greyson). Lauren is my older sister that is right above me, and she is the funny one that makes everyone laugh! She is the best mom to my two-year-old niece, and is also a cosmetologist which really comes in handy with so many girls in our family. I also have four parents, which has been a huge blessing. My dad is incredibly hard-working, and my mom has been my biggest role model for as long as I can remember. My step-parents are the most kind and loving step-parents I could ever ask for! And of course, I have the sweetest husband, Zac, who is a tax accountant (yes, I love the fact that he will do my taxes for the rest of my life). We just got married at the end of June so this newlywed season has been the most fun.

Question 2: What is your favorite fiction and non-fiction book? What do you like about them?

I am not a big fictional reader but I love anything by C.S. Lewis! The Chronicles of Narnia were a staple of my childhood. This is going to sound strange, but one of my favorite non-fiction books that I've ever read is "The Story of Christianity" by Justo L. Gonzalez. We read both volumes for a class in my undergrad and it deeply impacted my life and my understanding of the church.

Question 3: What is something interesting about you that we wouldn’t already know?

While living abroad in Poland, I unknowingly ate pig intestines. But don't worry, I quickly realized after - haha!

Question 4: What is your deathbed meal?

My deathbed meal would be chicken noodle soup with mashed potatoes on top! It is my favorite meal from my childhood in Kansas.

Question 5: Who is a person (friend, family member, author, musician, etc.) that has made a significant impact on your life? How have they contributed to who you are today?

Two of the most influential people in my life are my mentors! Lauren and Kaylee have been my biggest supporters throughout the last four years of my journey of working in ministry. They both challenge and encourage me in my roles as a children's minister and as a disciple of Christ. Both of these women are the most gracious, humble, intelligent, wise, and just all-around amazing women you will meet. They are the biggest role models in my life right now and I feel so privileged to be able to learn from them and be discipled by them!

Question 6: When church is over on Sunday afternoon, where would we find you and what would you be doing?

After church, you can find Zac and I hanging out with my family, probably playing board games.

Question 7: What is your #1 bucket list travel location?

The top of my list right now is Spain/France!

Question 8: What have you been learning lately through your relationship with Jesus?

The Lord is constantly reminding me that I must find my contentment and satisfaction in Him alone, and that the chaos in front of me does not matter as much as I think. Throughout this year there has been a whirlwind of change in my own life (and in the world, of course). It was a really hard few months for Zac and I; every plan we had for our wedding was quickly changed over and over again. However, throughout this year we have learned more about what being called to marriage really looks like, and the precious value of just being able to be married within chaotic circumstances.

Jeff Gayle

Jeff is the Operations Director at Wellspring Church in Englewood, Colorado.


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