Christ The King (CTK!) :: Church Plant Update

Hi Wellspring Family,

We're excited to be at the stage now where specific planning for Christ The King is taking place in earnest. As mentioned last week, our hopes are to launch weekly services for CTK on Epiphany, which is January 9th!

On Epiphany, we celebrate the "manifestation of Christ" to the Gentiles. That idea lines up perfectly with our deep hope in planting CTK -- that through the church, God's light would shine into the world to reveal Himself to all people.

We also get to acknowledge the fact that one of the great blessings in any ministry is to see how God draws in others to participate in this work together with Him. When others come alongside you to run the race, you quickly get the sense that you are involved in something bigger than just what you can see yourself.  

In a previous email, I introduced the expansion of our core planting team and mentioned a little bit about who they were and their job titles.    

Today, I wanted to tell you a little bit more about them.

  • Claire Christian will be joining us to lead our worship ministry. She is currently finishing up her time at CCU studying worship arts, and has been a worship ministry intern at Wellspring for 2021. In addition to being a gifted worship leader with a heart to serve others, she also has first-hand experience helping in a church plant. We are excited to welcome team Claire to the team!

  • Steven Sifers will be joining the team as our “leadership apprentice.” As I write his job title, I laugh out loud because he is a retired Army Ranger Colonel--and so he probably knows a thing or two about leadership. In the Anglican world, if someone is sensing a call to explore church ministry, we call them an "aspirant". Since that term is confusing to a lot of people, we chose the word apprentice. Steven and his wife Debbie have a huge heart for the church and to see people come to know the Lord in a deep and life changing way.

  • Craig Thigh will serve Christ the King as a "planting apprentice". Like Steven, Craig has a wealth of experience and gifts and is newly exploring a calling to serve the church in a full-time capacity. In his spare time, he's an FAA Inspector, pilot, and all around master griller. He and his wife Kristen have a powerful story of God working in their lives and want to explore how God can use them in the building of His church.

Between now and Epiphany, there's lots to do! Our two biggest needs at the moment are in securing a location (one potential already), and in finding a part-time Children’s Ministry Leader. If you know anyone who is awesome with children and has a heart to see them grow in the Lord, please let us know. Or, if you happen to own a building on Evans ;) we would love to hear about that too!

As always, you can contact me at, or via phone at (720) 253-2073. You can also follow us on Instagram @ CTK_Denver.


Jesse Blaine

Jesse Blaine is Lead Pastor of Christ The King Anglican Church in Denver.


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