Initiative for Faith in Culture - A New Ministry at Wellspring


We are excited to share about a new ministry at Wellspring, the Initiative for Faith in Culture (IFC).  

One of the core convictions that we hold at Wellspring is that the Gospel is a transformative force in all areas of human life.  What this means is that we believe the Gospel does not just redeem individuals in our relationship with God, but actually has something to say to every facet of our culture.

The events of the last couple years have seemed to increase the complexity of navigating our culture with the faithfulness of the Gospel. In the face of all of this, we on the pastoral staff have recognized in our own hearts and have heard from you the need to create a space to explore some of these issues in a more formalized, intentional way; to learn and discern how to carry the story of the gospel into our culture.  

So that’s what we’re hoping to accomplish with the Initiative for Faith in Culture.  The vision for IFC is twofold: 1) to see our church deepen their cultural knowledge by curating and presenting content related to specific cultural issues in our world, and 2) to see our church redemptively engage our culture through a gospel-lens by offering specific action steps related to each topic we explore.

We envision a rhythm of exploring two topics per year; one each Fall and one each Spring.  We plan to begin IFC next month by engaging the topic of race relations.  We’ll be led in this effort by our Multi-Ethnic Task Force, and we are hopeful that this launch will provide a space for us all to journey together to more faithfully engage this difficult topic.  

I want to encourage you to join us in the evening of October 8th for our launch event on this topic.  We’ll be worshipping together, hearing from a guest speaker, Dr. Mark Harden from Denver Seminary’s Gospel Initiative, and offering attendees the opportunity to engage formation labs throughout the Fall focused on this topic.  You can find more information and register through this link.

We don’t pretend to have all the answers related to this topic, but we do feel a responsibility to create a more formal opportunity to journey together with the Spirit to explore what the Gospel has to say about this issue, and others like it.  And so, with the Initiative for Faith in Culture, we want to invite you to join us on that journey.

Mike Sandgren

Mike Sandgren is the Mission Pastor at Wellspring Church in Englewood, Colorado.


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