CrossPurpose Launches at Wellspring!

If you call Wellspring home, you know that one of the core elements of our vision is to see our city renewed through poverty alleviation. In fact, one of the reasons we moved into a larger facility was to expand our capacity for this type of transformative ministry.

In light of this vision, we are deeply excited to announce that, this past Tuesday, CrossPurpose officially launched at our church! Twenty-two individuals experiencing poverty began a six-month course of career and community development. This journey is designed to train them in a marketable skill, build supportive relationships in their lives, and offer them the opportunity to grow deeper in their relationship with Jesus. 

We are honored to meet these participants, support them, and watch as they experience transformation. If you would like to support them on their journey, here are a few ways you can participate:

  • Pray for these leaders as they walk through this process. Pray for strength, endurance, and success in what can be a challenging program for many.

  • Serve these leaders by preparing a meal for their Wednesday evening family gatherings.

  • Connect and Support these leaders by serving as an ally with CrossPurpose.

  • Disciple these leaders by serving as a spiritual ally with CrossPurpose.

If you would like to learn more about any of these opportunities, reach out to Mike Sandgren at

We are grateful for the partnership of CrossPurpose, for our first class of participants, and for all of you as you support this work of holistic Kingdom ministry,


Mike Sandgren

Mike Sandgren

Mike Sandgren is the Mission Pastor at Wellspring Church in Englewood, Colorado.


Initiative for Faith in Culture - A New Ministry at Wellspring


Parenting Toolkit Seminar