Initiative for Faith in Culture Launch

We are celebrating the launch of our Initiative for Faith in Culture this past Friday! We want to say thank you to everyone who attended - who joined together in worship and learned together about the issue of race relations from Dr. Mark Harden from Denver Seminary's Gospel Initiative.

Many of us who were in attendance at the launch event left the evening with our minds and hearts activated towards the movement of the Spirit with regards to this issue. Hearing Dr. Harden give us a history lesson, share his expertise as a social scientist and theologian, and offer guidance for us as a church in how to practically move forward was inspiring, convicting, and empowering.

If you missed the event but would like to join in the journey of exploring the issue of race relations with IFC, I want to encourage you to register for one of our formation labs focused on this topic, which will run throughout the next couple months. You can find an overview of these formation labs and register for them at our new webpage dedicated to the Initiative for Faith in Culture. I encourage you to check out these opportunities, as well as a resource guide curated by our Multi-Ethnic Task Force.

Once again, thank you to everyone who joined us for our launch event. We are hopeful as we continue to journey together into greater cultural hospitality.


Mike Sandgren

Mike Sandgren

Mike Sandgren is the Mission Pastor at Wellspring Church in Englewood, Colorado.


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