Moving Worship Inside

Hey Wellspring!

Are you interested in joining us for indoor worship this weekend? Check out this video for all of the details, and don’t forget to register right here!

:: Transcript ::

Hi Wellspring Family,

I’m so excited to be standing in our new Sanctuary here at 3885 S Broadway, where we will worship this Sunday, and where we will be inside together for the first time in 8 months!  It is so exciting to see the transformation that has taken place over the past 4 weeks at our new facility and personally I can’t wait to move inside this Sunday for worship.  It is going to be so joyful to hear the voices of our congregation; I am especially looking forward to singing the doxology and hearing the liturgy being declared in this room.

- In preparation for our time together this weekend here are some important details to keep in mind.  

- We will be moving to THREE services this Sunday at 8:00am, 9:30am, and 11:15am! For those continuing to attend from home, we will only livestream the 9:30am service from here on out.

- Each service will be capped at 175 people including kids, staff, and volunteers. We will maintain social distancing and we are asking that everyone remain masked for the duration of your time in the facility.

- Sunday School will be provided for Nursery-4th Grade this weekend, and, beginning October 11th, we will have classrooms available for 5th & 6th Grade and 7th & 8th Grade.

- Everyone will check in when they arrive in the foyer.  Adults will receive a name tag AND kids who plan to attend Sunday School will be checked in and given a name tag and a security tag for parents. All kids attending Sunday School will also receive a temperature check.

- During this brief season, we will not be able to hang out in the foyer or sanctuary before or after the service. However, the weather is supposed to be beautiful on Sunday so please linger as long as you want outside.  When you arrive, you will enter the foyer from either the parking lot OR from the east side to check in, and then after worship, exit out the west doors onto the Acoma side of the building.

- If you can’t remember all the details, that is okay, just show up with a heart ready to worship Jesus and our hospitality team will be able to direct and help in any way you need.  

- Speaking of our hospitality team, we would LOVE your help volunteering in a variety of areas (hospitality, kids, liturgy, etc.), so if you are interested, let us know by emailing us at

- Finally, in order to maintain our safe and welcoming environment for all, we are asking that everyone register to come every week.  The earlier the better!  We anticipate services filling up, and we want to be able to have a seat for anyone who wants to join us.

We are so grateful for the opportunity to worship together while also keeping our community safe during this season. As we make the move inside, I pray that the Spirit would unite our hearts and give us a desire for more of God’s presence.  See you this Sunday.

Billy Waters

Billy is the Lead Pastor of Wellspring Church in Englewood, Colorado.


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