Parenting Toolkit Seminar

Join us for this important training for parents, grandparents and caregivers on Sunday, September 26th from 9:00am to 11:00am.


Parenting in today’s world is challenging and stretching.  We believe that parents are the primary disciplers of their children, but that doesn’t mean that they have to go it alone! Our desire is to link arms with you through the vast resources that we have available for parents and caregivers, and the best way to start that journey is at our Parenting Toolkit Seminar. During this session, we will share ways to inspire you on this journey as you lead your family! 

Each phase of parenting calls for different tools/skills.  This training will equip you with a variety of books, websites and podcasts as well as explain our brand new Milestones program. Milestones include learning the Lord’s Prayer, receiving a first bible, coming of age celebrations, catechism and more. 

So join us by registering using the button above. We can’t wait to see you there!

Sarah Siegler

Sarah Siegler is the Parent Discipleship Pastor at Wellspring Church in Englewood, Colorado.


CrossPurpose Launches at Wellspring!


The Book of Mark :: Chapter 12:38-44