Wellspring is Hiring!

Hi Wellspring,

The Lord is doing some amazing things in and through our church to build his Kingdom in our city. Already, in our new location, new doors have been opened to expand our impact through our Compassion Ministry.

This Fall, we are deeply excited to launch a partnership with CrossPurpose, a career and community development organization out of north Denver. CrossPurpose does amazing work around poverty alleviation. They have developed a six-month program that walks with individuals through holistic transformation and brings them to a place of economic, social, and spiritual flourishing. Starting this Fall, Wellspring is going to host a new location for CrossPurpose within our facility. At full build-out, this location will serve 200 people per year! This partnership will truly complete the vision for our Compassion Ministry - complementing our services in The Well with robust development-based programming.

In order to launch this partnership, we will be hiring a new staff role in our Compassion Ministry: a CrossPurpose Program Coordinator. You can find the job description here. We'd love your help in finding the right person for this position. If you or someone you know would be interested in applying, please do so within the next couple weeks.

Thanks Wellspring,


Mike Sandgren

Mike Sandgren is the Mission Pastor at Wellspring Church in Englewood, Colorado.


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