A New Website!


You may have noticed that our website got a bit of a facelift in the past week or so.

While things absolutely look a little more modern and clean, our update also changed just about everything “under the hood,” which refers to all of the code and boring nerdy stuff that actually makes a website run.

Our hope is to continue to lean into this important tool to connect with YOU in many different and new ways. You can look forward to more curated content regarding our different ministries, discipleship and family resources, and maybe even a link to a good YouTube video or two. Speaking of…have you seen this incredible video of “The Blessing” performed by pastors all over the UK? Do yourself a favor and watch! And check out our Good News page OFTEN for all sorts of content!

The Blessing UK - At this unique and challenging time in the United Kingdom over 65 churches and movements, representing hundreds of others, have come togeth...

Jeff Gayle

Jeff is the Operations Director at Wellspring Church in Englewood, Colorado.


An update on outdoor worship, masking and social distancing.


Rhythms for Spiritual Formation