Emerging Adults Pancake Breakfast

Do you like pancakes and bacon? (Who doesn’t?!?) Do you want to meet some other great people at Wellspring? (Yes, please!)  Do you consider yourself an Emerging Adult (18-25+)? Then join us for our next Emerging Adults Pancake Breakfast at Katie and Jeff Gayle’s home this Saturday, July 10th from 10am-12pm. Register through this link!

The vision of the Emerging Adults Community at Wellspring is to see 100% pursuit of young people (aged 18-25+) for the Kingdom of Jesus, with the desire to see them formed in the ways of Christ by creating spaces of Refuge, Table, and Light.

If you want to learn more about getting involved with Emerging Adults, reach out to Katie Gayle, Discipleship Pastor.

Katie Gayle

Katie Gayle is the Executive Pastor of Ministry at Wellspring Church in Englewood, Colorado.


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Weekly Liturgy :: Week of 7/4