COVID-19 Update

Church -

Please take a moment to watch the video below regarding new COVID-19 updates in our county.

Video Transcript ::

Hi Wellspring!

It has been such a joy to re-gather in worship together in the past 4 months.  We began our outdoor services on July 3rd in the parking lot back at 4300, we transitioned our services to the front yard at our new home on August 16th, and we transitioned once again to worshiping indoors on October 4th.  Hearing the voice of the people resonate in our new sanctuary has been such encouragement to my soul.  For those that have not been able to attend with us in person yet, I miss you, and I can’t wait for the day when we can all be back together again.

I’m coming to you today with some news that will stir up many emotions in all of has certainly stirred up many emotions within me.  Because of the rising COVID-19 numbers in the state of Colorado, our local government here in Arapahoe county, at the recommendation of our state, has restricted worship services to a maximum attendance of 50 people per service, instead of the 175 capacity that we have been operating under for the past few months.  

Personally, with the excitement of regathering again and then having to decrease in-person attendance, it feels like when I go hiking and I think the summit is a few steps away, after getting to the top, and only to find there is another long section still left to climb.  

We anticipated a decrease in number at some point this winter, we are surprised that it has happened this early, and disheartened at the new reality of what we are being asked to do; it feels like another long section to hike.

All that being said, Our staff team has been busy regrouping over the past few days, and we are actually EXCITED and anticipatory about our plan moving forward.  I am so happy to report that we will STILL gather to worship Jesus every weekend, albeit in smaller groups. 

This Sunday and Sundays from here on out we will continue with three services at 8am, 9:30am and 11:15am, and all three services will now be livestreamed so you can also participate from home anytime on Sunday Morning.  We will limit these in person services to 50 attendees, and you will be able to register on a first come, first served basis.  Starting Monday, November 9th (not this Monday, but the next Monday), we will begin offering a 4th service at 7pm, also with a max capacity of 50 people.  The service will look very similar to the Sunday experience, with the same sermon, Eucharist, and live worship.  If we find that we are full for all three services on Sunday and our fourth service on Monday, our plan is to add a fifth service on Monday evening at 5pm.  We will keep you posted on those plans.

For those of you who have been regularly attending throughout the past season, we are asking that you change your rhythm and attend church in person only twice per month, and use our livestream on the weeks that you are home.  This will ensure that we have seats for everyone, and seats for guests who may want to experience Wellspring for the first time in this season.  Also, we are actively re-engaging our livestream experience to make it even better, higher quality, and more captivating, for you and for your family.  While we might not all be able to be in the same room together, we can all worship Jesus as the one church from all over our city.  My encouragement to you is to not lose connection with us in the weeks that you are home, but continue to lean into all that Jesus has for you in this next season.

At this point in the pandemic, we really don’t know where we will need to pivot next, and we will continue to fervently pray for an end to this season.  But we will not stop worshipping Jesus, serving the poor, and taking care of our community, and loving our neighbors.  While this situation is not ideal, we respond with Faith, Hope, and Love!  Jesus will be faithful to his bride!  People will continue to be baptized, the lost will come home, wounds will be healed, and bridges will be built, and we will continue to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus.  Let’s be unified in mission, to proclaim the glory of the Kingdom amidst a broken world.  I love you Wellspring Church, and I look forward to seeing you this Sunday whether in person, or whether on the livestream.

Billy Waters

Billy is the Lead Pastor of Wellspring Church in Englewood, Colorado.


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