Gatherings This Summer!

A couple weeks ago, I wrote a Good News article about some gatherings we want to have this summer, called Eight Around the Table. In that article, I made mention that the actual number around the table doesn’t matter, to which a colleague of mine suggested we just call them Around the Table. (Duh! But I probably wouldn’t have come to that conclusion without her!) 

So... I just wanted to follow up with the link of where you can find all of the Around the Table gatherings that are happening in all of our Wellspring Neighborhoods this summer. Come back often to see newly added events. I hope you’ll join a gathering, or two, or more this summer!

One last thing: almost every month there will be a Connecting Event in all of our neighborhoods. This is a great way to meet others who live in proximity to us who also go to Wellspring. Here is a link to view all the upcoming Neighborhood Connecting Events. Again, come back often, as we’re adding new events all the time!

If you have any questions about any of the above events, or other ways to connect, please reach out to me ( I’d love to talk with you!

Tara Malouf

Tara Malouf is the Community Life Pastor at Wellspring Church in Englewood, Colorado.


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