Weekly Liturgy :: Children and Family :: Week of 3/7


Ask for a volunteer.

Have a child make a fist with their right hand. Wrap a band of masking  tape snugly around their closed fist, to secure their fingers and thumb  so they can’t move. (Wrap it around a couple of times for a stronger  child.) 

Write the word “sin” all around the tape as you explain that,  without Christ, we are bound as slaves. Then ask the child to open his/her fist and shake your hand. Because of sin (the tape) s/he cannot shake your hand. Nor could s/he lift an open hand to praise God. Explain that when we trust in Christ, God breaks the power of sin in our  lives. 

As you say this, break the tape with your fingers to set their hand free, but leave it stuck to the back of their hand to illustrate how though broken, sin remains a part of our lives. Now ask them to shake your  hand again.

Scripture :: Read Aloud: John 3:1-21

Family Discipleship Questions

  1. How does sin keep us from God?

  2. How are we tempted?  (fighting, disobeying)

  3. When are we afraid to be exposed?

  4. Who is the light and why is it good to expose sin to the light?


Most merciful God, we confess that we have sinned against you by _____________________. Father give us strength to allow your light to shine in our darkness. We humbly repent which means we stop and go a different direction. Give us strength in our temptation to make a different choice.

Corporate Confession


Lord we pray for those who are in bondage to sin and for those who don’t know you. Pour your light upon __________. May we be a people of the light, always willing to show love and compassion even in hard times.

The Lord's Prayer


Lord as we go forth, may we be a people of the Light!

Maddie Thomas

Maddie Thomas is the Connecting Coordinator at Wellspring Church in Englewood, Co.


Weekly Liturgy :: Sermon Based :: Week of 3/7


Weekly Liturgy :: Children and Family :: Week of 2/28