Weekly Liturgy :: Children and Family :: Week of 5/23


Set up a trust walk in your home or a safe space in your yard.  Get a blindfold and any props that could be helpful (cushions, sports cones, etc).  Ask one family member to be blindfolded and allow another family member to lead them through the maze.  

Discuss - what is it like to trust one another?  What makes it hard to trust?  Who is easy to trust in your family and why?  What are characteristics of people we cannot trust in this world?  Who can we trust all the time? (God

Scripture :: Please Read Aloud

Ask kids to find the following scriptures and take turns reading out loud. 

Genesis 12-22 (story of Abraham), Romans 4:3 (Abraham’s righteousness), Galatians 3:6-9 (faithful are blessed)

Family Discipleship Questions

  1. What are a few of the ways Abraham was faithful to God? (God promised Abraham a child. Twenty-five years later, God gave Abraham and Sarah a son.) 

  2. What does this teach us about God’s faithfulness? What does this teach us about being patient?

  3. Just as God promised Abraham a son, God promises salvation (eternal life) to everyone who believes (trusts) in Jesus (the object of our faith). We receive this gift of salvation by faith—how can we show our faithfulness to Jesus? 

  4. What are some ways you can be faithful to God’s promises? Keep in mind that continued faith is something you can pray for!


Father, we know our faith in you is weak at times. We confess the ways we make plans without you instead of waiting on your timing _________. We are sorry when we are impatient and rush ahead of you or when we go in a totally different direction. (list examples from your week)

Corporate Confession


Lord we worship you - the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  We lift up our praises to you and pray boldly in faith to you Jesus.  We ask you to help those in need (health, sorrow, marginalized, refugees).   

Holy Spirit, please overflow in us so that we may know you better.  May your spirit of love, holiness, patience and grace be upon us so that we share your spirit naturally with those around us.  

The Lord's Prayer


Go forth into the broken world -  abiding in the saving faith of Jesus!

Maddie Thomas

Maddie Thomas is the Connecting Coordinator at Wellspring Church in Englewood, Co.


Emerging Adults Summer Calendar


Weekly Liturgy :: Sermon Based :: Week of 5/23