Summer Flood Update

At Wellspring, one of the building blocks for our student ministry programming is immersive experiences. We engage these longer events outside of a young person's typical context to draw out different aspects of what it means to follow Jesus. This summer, we are excited to reintroduce several of these trips for our young people. 

For Middle School students, we will be heading down to Santa Fe, NM to Glorieta Camps for a week of learning, connecting with each other and playing outside in the southern Rockies! We also have a cohort of students who have spent the past semester going through our Foundations discipleship course-- many of whom will be confirmed in May-- and that group of students and adult leaders will take a celebration trip to Rapid City, SD. And finally, we are going with a group of high school students on a local mission trip to work with another organization in Denver working in families’ lives for the sake of poverty alleviation. 

Outside of these big experiences, we will be gathering students throughout the summer in new and different ways. For 5th through 12th grade students, there will be regular park hangouts to connect, play and learn together! There are other fun events for students to be around each other and adult leaders, but in all of it, as we intentionally disrupt our normal rhythms of gathering, we can't wait to hear the stories of God moving in the lives of young people that come out of it! 

Jeff Gayle

Jeff is the Operations Director at Wellspring Church in Englewood, Colorado.


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