Scripture Type

Scripture Type.png

Thoughtfully crafted Scripture resources and goods for the treasuring of God's Word.

Hi there! We're the Wrights...

...and together we started Scripture Type (formerly known as Hand Lettering Co.) back in 2013. We were newly married and setting up our first home with a desire to incorporate Scripture wherever we could around the house.

Chris, being the artist / designer that he is, had the idea of starting a personal project with a couple of goals in mind. He began drawing one Bible verse each week in order to help in his own memorization of Scripture, as well as to have this art to put up around the house as daily reminders of God's Word for our family. 

After the first several designs were complete, Chris decided to create a place online where he could make the designs available to others as free wallpaper downloads. We didn't know if anyone would ever find them, but here we are now almost five years later with the incredible privilege of shipping Scripture art all over the world!

Our prayer was and still is to use this little family business of ours for His glory and to encourage others.

Each time we receive even a short email that God is indeed using Scripture Type in this way, we are so humbled. 

Check out the website!

Sarah Siegler

Sarah Siegler is the Parent Discipleship Pastor at Wellspring Church in Englewood, Colorado.


The Verses Project


Tribal Family