Benevolence Stories

When this global pandemic started over a year ago, we all heard stories of people losing their jobs, livelihood, and housing. In response, the Wellspring community jumped into action, first by donating so much food that we were able to double our food bank services, even as our regular supply lines closed., This community also sprung into action by generously donating to our Benevolence Fund, which we established to minister to individuals or families during a time of hardship or crisis by temporarily assisting them with their basic needs. 

Many in our community donated their Covid relief checks, knowing they didn’t need the money, but that God was simply sending the money through their bank accounts on to help others. We thank you for that! The Benevolence Committee thought we’d see a lot of needs arise within our community, but what we actually saw  were “cheerful givers” (2 Corninthians 9:7), who gave generously and abundantly.  And it made us ask the question, “Lord, then who is this money for?”

As he usually does, the Lord gave us the answer in a handful of ways, and I want to share some of those with you, so you can share in the abundant joy of generosity!

Because of a member of Wellspring, we have the privilege of being connected with a local school with a very  diverse population. Many of the students come from countries south of us, and their parents were (and still are) financially hit extremely hard by the repercussions of the virus. Hardworking parents, working hourly wages, had to choose between trying to get extra hours when they were available and staying home with young kids who were learning remotely. Many of them fell behind on rent and, because of your generosity, we were able to say, “yes, we can cover that!”

A single mom coming out of homelessness found herself without a job due to the pandemic. She had worked  hard to provide housing and food for herself and her kids, and the setback seemed insurmountable. She continued to pick up hours here and there, but after a few months found herself stuck in debt. Because of your generosity, we were able to declare to her that, similar to the Year of Jubilee,  her debt was paid and it no longer hung over her head!

A few local neighbors have reached out to us for help and, because of your generosity, we’ve been able to help with electric bills, phone bills, medical needs and deposits for new places to live.

In the Book of Common Prayer, in the Compline, there is a prayer that says, “Be present, O merciful God, and protect us through the hours of this night, so that we who are wearied by the changes and chances of this life may rest in your eternal changelessness.” That is the prayer I imagine  all those who have applied for the Benevolence Fund cry out. That is the prayer  your generosity has helped to answer. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

If you would like to donate to the Benevolence Fund, you can go here.

If you are in need of the Benevolence Fund, you can go here.

Tara Malouf

Tara Malouf is the Community Life Pastor at Wellspring Church in Englewood, Colorado.


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