Spirit of Hope Update

We are continually astounded how the Lord has opened up doors for us to potentially move 4 blocks north on Broadway to a new location that would help facilitate our vision and mission and provide a more visible gospel presence to the city of Englewood.  Below are four updates in regards to the progress with the church swap with Spirit of Hope.  

1) The United Methodist denomination approved selling us the facility a few weeks ago, by a margin of 98 percent. This was a major hurdle, and was very encouraging.

2) Our lawyers, and the lawyers at Spirit of Hope, are currently working on a contract that we anticipate having finished in the next few days.  Once the contract is complete and both parties agree on all stipulations, we anticipate moving into the “closing” process with the title company very soon.  Our hope is that we will be the official owners of 3885 S. Broadway by the end of July, or the first few weeks of August. 

3) We have mobilized an internal transition team to begin the process of mapping out what a move will look like for us.  While we will hopefully own the building sometime in the next few weeks, we will not officially move everything from our current location to 3885 S Broadway until sometime in the fall.  In the meantime, we will be doing some slight cosmetic improvements to the building which will allow our staff to have office space.

4) It is our hope to be worshipping from the front lawn at our new facility starting in mid August.  We will keep you posted regarding those plans.

Many of you continue to ask, “What can I do?” in regards to this situation.

First and foremost, pray! There are still many logistical details that need to be worked through in next few weeks, and we need the strong hand of the Lord in every detail.  

Second, we anticipate volunteer opportunities coming soon in regards to our new home.  We need moving teams, redecorating teams, teams to throw out garbage, teams to rehab the playground, etc! Our transition team is working out those details.

Please check back here regularly for news regarding Spirit of Hope.  We will continue to update you as details become solid.  Praise Jesus for his faithfulness!

Billy Waters

Billy is the Lead Pastor of Wellspring Church in Englewood, Colorado.


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