Bugs and Bounty - Match the Hatch Talk
Monday, August 16th | The Well at Wellspring Church | 80 seats available
Join Aquatic Biologist and Fly Fishing Geek Peter Stitcher for his first ever offering of Bugs and Bounty! Ascent Fly Fishing will be partnering with Cross Purpose Englewood (A job and life skill training program helping people step out of poverty for good!), for an in-depth 2 hour talk on entomology for the fly fisher and matching the hatch. Participants will each receive 10 flies with their ticket. Aided by high-resolution videos, animations, and craft brews, you will learn how to identify every bug in, on, and around the river and quickly match it to the best fly patterns in your box. Whether you are just learning to fly fish or are a seasoned angler, this class will help you dial in what the fish are feeding on and how to choose the best fly patterns to fish. All proceeds from the class will be split between Cross Purpose in their effort to combat poverty in Englewood and the Ascent Fly Tyer's Health Care fund supporting our 50 fly tyers and 500 dependents in Kenya!