CrossPurpose Graduation

Hi Wellspring -

We are so excited to announce that our first class of CrossPurpose participants will be graduating next week!

These folks have walked through a six-month process of personal development, skill development, and career launch. They have refined their personal and spiritual health, become trained in a marketable skill, and been placed in a career job. Along the way, they have built a network of supportive, loving relationships that will carry them through into a new season of life. Thank you so much to all of you who have walked with these folks over the last six months!

We want to invite you to join these graduates as they celebrate completion of the program. We would love to Wellspring to show up and cheer them on. The Graduation Ceremony will happen on Wednesday, March 9th, from 6-8pm in the Sanctuary. Refreshments and childcare for children under 4 will be provided.

If you are able to attend, please register here by clicking the button below.

We hope to see many of you there!

Mike Sandgren

Mike Sandgren is the Mission Pastor at Wellspring Church in Englewood, Colorado.


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