2022 Winter Gear Drive

Hello Wellspring Family!

As temperatures begin to drop, our neighbors experiencing homelessness are preparing to face a long season of cold. Let’s step up to show our neighbors they are not alone! One of the best ways we can live into our core value of caring for the poor is by tangibly giving to those in need. 

Wellspring is putting on a Winter Gear Drive this month to gather supplies to keep people experiencing homelessness safe from the elements. The goal of this drive is to provide our community in need with essential survival items while also connecting them to the shelter resources that are available in our area. By offering relational and tangible resources Wellspring will continue to serve as a hub of support for the unhoused in Englewood this winter.  You can join in this effort by donating new or lightly used cold weather clothing and other items. Here are the details on how you can serve:

  • The drive will begin on November 12th and run through December 11th.

  • The items we need include: Sleeping Bags, Coats, Hats, Gloves, Warm Socks, Hand Warmers, Backpacks, Pants, Blankets, Boots, and Warm Socks.

  • You can donate by  bringing new or lightly used items to our donation bins, which will be present just inside the north entrance Sunday mornings and Monday through Thursday from 9am to 2pm.

Feel free to reach out to me at theo@wellspringenglewood.com with any questions. I’m excited to partner with you all to give generously of ourselves to help keep our vulnerable neighbors safe this winter. May the Lord bless this effort!

Theo Young

Theo Young is the Compassion Coordinator at Wellspring Church in Englewood, Colorado.


Wellspring Thanksgiving


First John: 11/6/22