Inclement Weather Plan

We hope to be able to worship in person, and via our livestream, each and every weekend. In some rare cases, we will augment the Sunday morning experience, or cancel it altogether, based on safety concerns regarding inclement weather.

Many of you have seen the weather reports regarding the “historic” snowfall that we are expected to see this weekend. While we fully plan to continue to worship at all three services on Sunday, we wanted to let you all know what to look for in case we need to make the decision change things up.

If we decide to move to either plan B or plan C, we will make the information available to you all just as soon as we can. Keep watch on the church website, instagram, and on your email for updates. We will reach out either late Saturday evening or early Sunday morning.

Plan A - The “we’ll believe it when we see it” plan

Plan a is super easy…church happens as normal! In typical Colorado fashion, we were promised a bunch of snow, and we got just a little. No big deal…see you at church!

Blan B - The “wow…it snowed a WHOLE BUNCH” plan

In the rare case that we receive a large snowfall, we will augment the Sunday experience and only have 1 in-person service at 10am. In this plan we encourage everyone to worship from home via our livestream, and all children’s and youth activities will be cancelled. For those with four wheel drive vehicles and a little extra gumption, please feel free to join us for this one service in person at Wellspring at 10am.

Plan C - The “we can’t get anywhere without a snowmobile” plan

In the very rare case that we receive a “100 year storm” we will cancel all Sunday programming all together. In this case, we will encourage all staff and congregation members to stay home with their family and enjoy some time with those closest to you, or to enjoy some solitude time with the Lord. Enacting plan C would be a very dramatic option that would only happen in very rare and intense snowfalls.

Jeff Gayle

Jeff is the Operations Director at Wellspring Church in Englewood, Colorado.


An EGGstravaganza!


Weekly Liturgy :: Sermon Based :: Week of 3/7