Wellspring Worship :: Advent

Although we love setting up our tree, stringing out the lights, and setting up the rest of our holiday decorations, there’s nothing that puts the Norris Family into the Christmas spirit like Christmas music! Amy Grant, the Jackson 5, and Elvis (among many others) signal to us that the Christmas season is upon us!

And while this is all well and good, the traditions of the ancient Church invite us into something a little different in the weeks that follow Thanksgiving. Instead of jumping straight into the Christmas season, the Church year begins with Advent—a season of waiting, longing, hoping, believing.

Perhaps this year more than most, we are positioned perfectly to experience Advent like never before as we wait for a vaccine to be widely available; long to be reconnected with loved ones; hope that something will break through and change our present reality; believe again that the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

In one way or another, this year has been incredibly difficult for most—if not all—of us. And perhaps there is an invitation for us to “lean in” to the Advent season in a new way. Perhaps this Advent, we will more fully experience what this season is meant to evoke within us. I pray that it will be so for all of us.

Over the years, I’ve compiled a Playlist of Advent songs that help me enter into this unique season, and I gladly share it with you in the hopes that, together, we can more fully engage with God and experience what he might have for us this Advent.

You can access the playlist through this link, or by scrolling down and using the embedded player.

Peace and Love this Advent season,


David Norris

David Norris is the Worship Pastor at Wellspring Church in Englewood, Colorado.


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