Simple Marriage #5 - Regular Rhythms

Did you know that we have Marriage Mentors here at Wellspring who have a heart to walk with engaged couples through some “marriage prep” topics? It’s an amazing team of 4 couples, who each have decades of marriage under their belts, and decades of ministry too! If you are getting married soon and would like pre-marital counseling, let me know and I will get you connected to one of these wonderful couples!

Today we get to hear from one of these Marriage Mentor couples. I asked Jeff and Lianne Nikkel to offer some encouragement and simple ideas they are living out as they connect with each other. I love how they give some really down-to-earth thoughts and remind us of the need for “a regular rhythm of connecting.” Here is their Simple Marriage offering:

Regular Rhythms:

The main theme for us is a regular rhythm of connecting, so these are not amazing, phenomenal, blow-your-socks-off date night ideas to only do once. The regularity has helped to build our relationship and inform our perspective.

1. Get outside - walk, bike, run, hike - as often as possible.  Whether you are an "exerciser" or not, the fresh air is such a gift. We take a couple of laps around our circle almost daily, then either run or walk on a nearby trail in the evenings.

2. Listen to a podcast or read something in common, then share with each other - Brene Brown has a new podcast, launched in March, and she's had some really good guests so far. I also like Suzanne Stabile's Enneagram podcast. We've also loved readings from "Every Moment Holy."

3. Try a new recipe - maybe even a fun "adult" drink. 

4. Pray together. We've never done this super regularly, but the slower pace of our Covid-world has given us more space. And there is no end of people and situations to bring before the Lord.

5. Do something to serve someone else - individually and/or as a family. We're doing grocery shopping every week for 3 neighbors. We've cooked some meals and baked cookies for others. Might be as simple as sending an email or text and asking how someone is doing. Just get the focus off yourself for a bit.

6. Linger over meals. 

7. Drive through Starbucks or pack a special treat, then take a drive in the mountains for a change of scenery.

8. Plant something.

9. Be a team on a project - do a house project that you've been putting off, and do it together.

I hope you are encouraged by these Simple Marriage ideas! For those of you who are married and would love to have a space that is focused on strengthening your relationship, stay tuned!! We are working on some marriage-focused gatherings (and offerings) this Fall!!  

Fun Starter:

How about a progressive dinner at five different restaurants? Yes, you can restaurant hop with just a little planning, and creativity, during this time. Maybe you pick up your food from the restaurant and eat at a nearby park instead of inside the establishment?? Here is an article explaining how to do this.

Tara Malouf

Tara Malouf is the Community Life Pastor at Wellspring Church in Englewood, Colorado.


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